GIZA QUASAR is an animation series. It consists of four episodes, each of four minutes in length. The episodes have been migrated to the most obsolete home video formats. Episode 1: Philips VCR (video system from 1972), Episode 2: Panasonic VX (video system from 1975), Episode 3: Sanyo VCordII (video system from 1976), Episode 4: Akai VK-30 (video system from 1977). Once transferred, the original digital files were deleted. GIZA QUASAR remains on the video cassettes only.
Jon Frickey
Jon Frickey is a German-American visual artist and animator. Formerly an advertising art director, he enjoys stylistic variation in his work, characterized by the central theme of kinda-funnyish. His works have been exhibited at the Vancouver Art Gallery, the National Museum of Art, Mexico City, and the Kyoto Hi-Nest, amongst other institutions. Jon lives in Hamburg, Germany.